Our body has the ability to heal itself. It is when our bodies fall out of balance that we become ill. Fabien Maman, a French composer, acupuncturist, and bio-energeticist, believes that each individual has one particular frequency that is unique to each person. This frequency, which he calls the "fundamental sound" has been verified at the cellular level under a microscope. Just as each person has their fundamental sound, he also believes that certain types of music have different affects on the mind and body depending on the time of day or the season in which it is played. We must pay close attention to how we feel in relationship to different sounds or music that we hear as they all can have a different affect on us.
As described by Amrita Cottrell in this amazing article"It has been proven that music affects us physically, psychologically, emotionally and spiritually. We know that our responses to music are far more complex, subtle and far-reaching than can be proven scientifically. However, science has measured observable physical effects, such as changes in blood flow through the fingertips or the speed of muscle reactions to sound. New areas of understanding in the field of blood chemistry, show the connection between the body's release of endorphins and neuro-peptides and changes in emotion." She goes on to tell about the research, of Fabien Maman, that has been done on cancer cells, using music. It showed that cancer cells were not able to support a progressive accumulation of vibratory frequencies. With the use of music, cancer cells could not hold their cellular structure and collapsed....drastically shrinking breast cancer tumors. This is a fascinating article that I would encourage everyone to read.
A few years ago, Linda and I came across a CD of healing tones, put out by Dr. Andrew Weil, and we put it on to play some nights while we are falling asleep. It has a calming affect and my thought is that even if we fall asleep, that on a cellular level, the music is being "heard". I do not have to be awake for the good affects to be felt. It is very calming and restorative. In this hectic world that we all live in, we need someplace to go where we can meditate or relax and rejuvenate ourselves. I encourage you to discover what your "fundamental sound" is and incorporate it into your daily lives to achieve balance and harmony.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
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Reflexology is a form of massage usually applied on the hands, feet, or ears. It’s a form of treatment rooted in ancient techniques used by various cultures that found correlations between these body parts and the rest of the body. Certain “reflex zones” on the hands, feet, and ears, have been found to have an influence on other portions of the body when stimulated with physical pressure. Though often prescribed as a complement to standard medical care, reflexology massage can be very beneficial to those suffering from migraine, stress, back pain, arthritis, digestive disorders, and sleep disorders.
Foot Reflexology
Reiki is a form of treatment technique used as a complementary therapy for the treatment of physical, emotional, and mental illnesses. This practice is based around the understanding that life is supported by an unseen, life-force energy (Ki). When this energy is low, one is likely to become ill. Practitioners use this life force energy channeled through their hands to bring about relaxation and healing to the patient. Reiki healing has been widely known to have positive (sometimes miraculous) effects in treating virtually every known illness and is always beneficial to the patient being treated.
Massage Therapies
Alternative Healing Therapies
Chiropractic is a form of treatment that improves overall health by manipulating the muscular-skeletal system and promoting proper nervous system function. It is thought that spinal dysfunction interferes with the nervous system leading to an array of potential health problems. Chiropractors find that a healthy spine is critical to overall well being and maintaining proper alignment is crucial. This is done with a process known as spinal adjustment, and practitioners may also adjust other aspects of the body back into balance.
Acupuncture is a practice based on the theories of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Under this medical framework, illness is thought to stem from an imbalance or blockage of Qi within the body. With a deep understanding of these energetic systems, acupuncturists stimulate acupoints with thin sterile needles, physical pressure, and/or various other devices involving heat, light electricity, and lasers to promote healing. Acupuncture is often accompanied by Chinese herbal medicine and Tui Na massage techniques depending on the patients needs. Practitioners are trained and licensed by local and national regulatory organizations to ensure proper training and safety guidelines.
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